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Sensual Communication ~ For Women

Stop having mediocre sex. Get real nourishment from sensuality, and come more into your power sexually. This workshop helps women find their voice, communicate with their bodies, explore their desires, needs, and boundaries, and communicate these with others. 


Full Workshop 

The full workshop is an 8-week series of 1.5-hr sessions. It can also happen over the course of a weekend. To get the maximum benefits, the full workshop is recommended.


Shortened Workshop

I offer a shortened version of this workshop as a 4-week series of 1.5-hr sessions, one 6-hr session, or two 3-hour sessions.  


Mini Version

The mini version is one 3-hr session.  


Girl Talk: Intentional Conversations About Sex


Girl Talk is a mixture of facilitated conversation + sexuality education and empowerment. It's an opportunity for women to come together and talk about sex and intimacy, while also learning more about sex and stepping more fully into their sexual power.


This 1.5-hr session can happen as a one-time event or as an ongoing event, monthly, bi-monthly, or weekly. 


Stellar Lover: Insights for Pleasing Women Sexually

This workshop provides invaluable education and insight for men into being an amazing lover to women. It covers practical topics such as anatomy and technique, and other various topics such as embodied touch and connection to one's self.  Technique can be helpful, but there's so much more to being an amazing lover. 


Stellar Lover can be presented to all-men groups and all-gender groups. It is offered in as small a time frame as one 1.5-hr class, or up to 12 hours of class, either broken into smaller segments or over the course of a weekend.  


Intimacy Circle

This is less of a workshop and more of a gathering to facilitate intimacy and connection. You may have heard of Tantra pujas. I do not use or endorse that terminology, but what I offer is similar to "Tantra pujas" in the West. This is a wonderful event to help celebrate a birthday or other festive occasion, or simply to bring people together to connect in more deeply with each other, themselves, and life. A minimum of 8 people is recommended.


A Workshop Tailored to Your Needs

I also create workshops based on the specific needs and desires of individuals or groups who come to me. I can teach about consent, or Ethical Non-monogamy, or cater to other needs and desires on various topics. I love creating events based on people's needs and desires!  




If you host a workshop and/or rally a group of folks to work with me, you might be able to receive 50% off for yourself, or it might even be free for you, so feel free to ask about discounts.


More about who will benefit from these workshops ~

The first three workshops above are geared towards helping people who are operating based on heteronormative sexual scripts. Studies show that many people in LGBTQ+ dynamics tend to have better sexual experiences. Obviously this is speaking generally and is not true for all people. However, for example, research shows that straight cis women tend to experience significantly fewer orgasms than women in lesbian relationships, and the reasons behind that could also mean that straight cis women would benefit more from some of the workshops.  


So, workshops for women are open to all women and non-binary folks who feel called, and all men and non-binary folks are welcome at men's workshops; and, folks who are still enacting heteronormative sexual scripts might find these workshops most relevant to them.


Regardless, if you think a workshop is for you, then it is! I would love to support you however you need.





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